At Financial District Dentistry, we are proud to offer the revolutionary Teeth-in-a-Day procedure. Led by our experienced dentists, our team is committed to providing advanced dental solutions that meet the needs of our patients. Teeth-in-a-Day is an innovative dental implant procedure designed to restore your smile and functionality of your teeth within a single visit. 

What is Teeth-in-a-Day?

Teeth-in-a-Day is a dental implant technique that allows patients to receive implants and a full set of temporary, but highly functional, teeth in just one day. This procedure is ideal for patients looking for a quick and efficient solution to tooth loss without the lengthy process traditional implants require.

The Teeth-in-a-Day Process

  • Initial Consultation: Our dentists conducts a thorough evaluation to determine if you are a candidate for the Teeth-in-a-Day procedure.
  • Custom Treatment Plan: Utilizing advanced imaging technology, we create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific dental needs.
  • Implant Placement and Temporary Teeth: On the day of the procedure, dental implants are strategically placed in your jawbone, and a set of temporary teeth is attached, all within the same visit.

Benefits of Teeth-in-a-Day

  • Immediate Results: Enjoy a full set of teeth immediately after the procedure, enhancing your smile and bite functionality.
  • Reduced Treatment Time: Eliminates the need for multiple appointments and prolonged treatment times associated with traditional implants.
  • High Success Rate: Teeth-in-a-Day has a high success rate, providing long-lasting and durable results.

Contact Us

To learn more about Teeth-in-a-Day in San Francisco, California, and how it can transform your smile, call our dental office at 415-399-9999. We are dedicated to delivering high-end dental care and personalized solutions for all our patients.