Our dentists may recommend BOTOX® to help you achieve a more radiant and youthful look, further highlighting your beautiful smile. This cosmetic option is a simple and effective way to reduce and remove lines and wrinkles.

What is BOTOX?

BOTOX, or onabotulinumtoxinA, is a medication which is injected into the muscles of the brow to smooth frown lines and crow’s feet. This cosmetic injectable can help you look younger, calmer and more alert. Our dentists may also recommend BOTOX for therapeutic purposes, such as reducing migraine headaches or treating a TMJ disorder.

Why Choose BOTOX?

Opting for BOTOX treatment can be driven by both cosmetic and therapeutic reasons. Aesthetically, BOTOX offers a nonsurgical solution to reduce the signs of aging, presenting a more youthful and refreshed appearance. Therapeutically, it provides relief from discomfort and pain associated with dental and facial muscle tension. Its ability to target specific muscles with precision makes it a versatile treatment that can improve both the function and aesthetics of the oral and facial regions. The minimally invasive nature of BOTOX treatments, coupled with their relatively quick procedures and minimal downtime, makes it an appealing option for many patients.

The BOTOX Treatment Process

Your BOTOX treatment is straightforward and efficient. After your initial consultation to discuss your concerns, medical history and treatment goals, our dentists can create a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet your specific needs.

During your treatment, a small needle is used to inject BOTOX into the targeted muscles. This is completed quickly and painlessly in just a few minutes. Some patients may experience mild discomfort, redness or swelling at the injection site, but these side effects are temporary and will subside within a few days.

After your treatment you can return immediately to your regular activities – no down time needed! The full effects of your BOTOX treatment will become noticeable within one to two weeks, and will last between three and six months.

Schedule A Consultation

To schedule your consultation with our skilled dentists and learn if BOTOX in San Francisco, California, is right for you, call Financial District Dentistry today at 415-399-9999!